Defeating Witchcraft - With guest Speaker Ex-Satanist John Ramirez

21.12.2020, 23:50


Defeating Witchcraft - With guest Speaker Ex-Satanist John Ramirez


25 min - Correct and decisive victory position of spiritual struggle, which must be taken urgently by the "lazy" church


39 min - Covid-mask "chess and hair" before the mark of the beast


40.30 min - In January 2021, Covid will change something else prepared before! (Tracy Cooke also said other viruses, other diseases have been prepared!)


41 min - one part of church is on its knee before system!

Devil spend more time in church than in world!


42 min - people do not want to hear the truth, but the Truth will make people free people - including pastors, Bible scholars, etc. !!!





38. Fight with demons - (


