Ecclasisastes 3:1-8
We have to use to this Scriptures for organisation of Worshiping!
+ Romans 12 :15! (14-18)
1.Corinthians 9:20-22 (19-27)
Lukas 17:15 (11-19)
+ Psalm 47
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This is one way how God is leading in Worshiping!
Very, very, very good way!
Very, very effective way!
Very, very, very Biblical way! :)
3:40 min - To sing the Bible - to sing Bible texts (scriptures) - to Sing Gods Word!
25:10 min (24:30-25:30) - close all portals what interfere Personal Time with God.
+ God is looking for those who are worshiping Him in truly and in spirit - from all heart and with true joy and with LOVE on God - and the same time it is fullfillment of the First Commandment - LOVE GOD WITH ALL WHAT YOU HAVE - that includes as well your voice, your body (dance)!
+ Prophecy for yourself = proclaim for yourself = call for fullfilment God's promises in your life let you could stay not in shadow, but stay in the light of God's promises!
How To Sing Into Your Breakthrough | Julie Meyer | Sid Roth's It's Supernatural
Martin Luter was "positively crazy" for Worshiping and he did a lot for it!
Very good in Russian - about how should NOT "run" Worshiping!
_7.48.Дэвид Вилкерсон- пророчества о последнем времени ..-n6tFg3s7hhg – jo īpaši 4:55min
Wilkerson's Prophecy - God's Sorrow for Churches !!! - 7:48 min long! In Russian language.
God's wrath for covetousness and fornication in the "glorious dress code" - and in the dress code of other servants! For those who lost their salvation.
Дэвид Вилкерсон- пророчества о последнем времени ..
2 hours non stop worship songs with lyrics - WORSHIP & PRAISE SONGS