God says to man:
Calm down and acknowledge that I am God ... (Psalm 46:11)
Introduction to the Courts of Heaven - Robert Henderson (Friday, 29 Jul 2016)
23:40 - This is very important - God allways is looking for legal possibility to realize His Great Mercy!
17 - God the Father Guardian and God the Father, the Prophet!
21 - Are you a friend of Jesus with whom He divides His secrets?
23:40 - This is very important - God allways is looking for legal possibility to realize His Great Mercy!
26 mins - people were laughing about warning vision of comming greate crisis in 2008!
30 - Because you are My friend, I will listen you!
33:30 - to be close to God!
56 min !
58 min!
1h 00:20 - here I am, send me!
1h 10 min!
1h 19 min!!!!! - an open portal for depression!
1h 17 min - 1:22min - 1:38min - 1:42min - Prayer.
#1 Way to Get Your Prayers Answered Every Time! | Robert Henderson | Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!
The Jurisprudence of the Spiritual Battles shows why we should be accurate fullfillers to the New Testament Laws:
(audience with God. The courtroom.)
9:24 - S may not do what he wants, but only what he is allowed! Therefore, we must not give way to S., or give us a reason to apply to us!
1:25 min and
3:20 - The Biggest Contract in the World!
7:07 - Demons know who has authority and who does not !!! Therefore, you must go with pure pure heart and firm faith and Divine and Smart Love!
13 min - very important
14:48 - understandable and clear.
19 mins - the bad words made by people about their children are "fuel" for Satan to thwart attack parents children !!!
19:47 - now prophesied - declare the words of blessing in the life of his son!
21:28 - before The God's throne, he arranged things in 15 minutes for which he had been praying for 2 years. Thanks to Jesus, that it is safe now to come before God's throne and speak with God!
22 - Prayer that listens and looks.
+ Evangelist Nathan Morris had an adventure when he was lifted in the spirit to the God's courtroom. It is recorded in Lidia Marrow's Music Disc (LYDIA MARROW "Forevermore" - the latest audio recording and song "No.13 Courtroom-At Your Cross" (Peprise)).
Fragment from it can be heard here!