56. Kämpar med robotar

Shocking Footage.. How Can Anyone Ignore This! (2017)





1:00 - Human threat is artificial intelligence and it is demoniac !!!
1:22 - The robot says - I will destroy people (hence the purpose of Satan)

2:00 -

2:15 -


3:15-3:20 If you will be nice to me I'll be nice to you!



Cyborg Sofia, who promised to destroy humanity, received citizenship


Киборг София, пообещавшая УНИЧТОЖИТЬ человечество, получила гражданство








Let put together:

1. the desire of the artificial intelligence or robot intellect to destroy humanity - what the robot Sofia called out !!!

2. And if executives would be like the Titans robots. Where the Titan could be led by Sofia or by the Titan's own artificial intelligence !!!




Russia: Titan the robot comes to Sochi






Three Robots. Titan an his two brothers perform show

(How ridiculous is the real situation, if they will say either by words and then by works or immediately by works - we come to destroy you? What will you tell them? What will you be able to act against them if you will be not prepared?)





Do you want to know more about Titan the Robot? Titan has is own website at:- www.TitantheRobot.com